25 Films, 25 Visions of Europe (2004)
25 Films, 25 Visions of Europe is an Anthology of films about how people from different countries view Europe. In 2004 a prominent director from each country in the European Union was asked to depict their feelings on the current state of Europe. These were some of the pieces.
Variety: Review ‘Visions of Europe’
Pan-continental portmanteau pic "Visions of Europe" lays 25 shorts end-to-end, helmed by mostly up-and-comers but with smattering of established names. Repping every country in the European Union, entries predictably vary enormously.
RTVSLO: Vizije Evrope na mednarodnih festivalih
Filmski omnibus Vizije Evrope, v katerem sodeluje tudi režiser Damjan Kozole, se je predstavil na festivalih v Koebenhavnu in v Montrealu.
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