Born 1965. Managing director of Vertigo, a Ljubljana (Slovenia)-based production company with a distinctive track record, is a film producer with extensive working experience on international co-productions and narrow budget films. Since 1987, when he started his professional carrier as producer, Danijel has produced or co-produced more than 40 feature films, as well as more than 10 documentaries and 50 short films and TV production, among which the most well-known are An Episode in the Life of the Iron Picker by Danis Tanović (Berlinale 2013: 2 Silver Bears, Shortlisted for Foreign language Oscar); Circles by Srdan Golubović (Sundance 2013: Special Jury Award, Berlinale 2013: Ecumenical Prize); Woman who brushed off her tears by Teona Mitevska (Berlin IFF Panorama Special 2012), Alexandrians by Metod Pevec (feature doc, Trieste FF 2012 Best documentary award), Slovenian Girl by Damjan Kozole (Toronto IFF 2009, Les Arcs FF: Best Actress Award, Sales in more than 40 territories); Spare Parts by Damjan Kozole (Berlinale Competition 2003), Bread and Milk by Jan Cvitkovič (Venice 2001: Lion of the Future)...
Danijel has been selected among Variety’s Ten Producers To Watch in 2001. He is a voting member of European FIlm Academy and since 2011 the president of the Association of Slovenian Film Producers. He is also, since 2005, actively involved with several European training initiatives such as EAVE (Group Leader between 2009-13), Nipkow Programme, Midpoint Central-European Script Center and Maia Workshops. He is also an advisor and member of the selection committee of When East Meets West project market since 2012.
Participated in
Pero (2023)
Zbudi me (2022)
Izginjanje (2022)
Odpuščanje (2021)
Telesce (2021)
50 knjig, ki so nas napisale (2020)
Oče (2020)
Polsestra (2019)
Bog obstaja, ime ji je Petrunija (2019)
Jaz sem Frenk (2019)
Ne bom več luzerka (2018)
Kustosova soba (2018)
Vsaka dobra zgodba je ljubezenska zgodba (2017)
Meje (2016)
Nočno življenje (2016)
Dom (2015)
Ti me nosiš (2015)
Projekt rak (2013)
Krogi (2013)
Epizoda v življenju zbiralca železa (2013)
Gremo mi po svoje 2 (2013)
Z mamo (2013)
Vaje v objemu (2012)
Dolge počitnice (2012)
Ženska, ki si je otrla solze (2012)
Oči, lahko jaz šofiram? (2011)
Lahko noč, gospodična (2011)
Hiša D (2011)
Biotehniška fakulteta (2011)
Aleksandrinke (2011)
Hiša na Jurčkovi (2011)
Trg in zunanji oltar na Brezjah (2011)
Odpad (2011)
Nogometni stadion, Športni park Stožice (2011)
Stanje šoka (2011)
Toplo za ta letni čas (2011)
Gremo mi po svoje (2010)
Volilni molk (2009)
Slovenka (2009)
Bogdan Grom (2009)
Besa (2009)
Dve ali tri stvari, ki jih vem o njej (2009)
Jesenice: Detroit (2008)
Every Breath You Take (2008)
Svet je velik in rešitev je za vogalom (2008)
Za vedno (2008)
Poštar (2007)
Estrellita - pesem za domov (2007)
Sem iz Titovega Velesa (2007)
Film pred oltarjem (2006)
Karavla (2006)
Delo osvobaja (2005)
Se zgodi (2005)
Predmestje (2004)
Sivi kamion rdeče barve (2004)
Vizije Evrope (2004)
Ruševine (2004)
Desperado Tonic (2004)
Pod njenim oknom (2003)
Rezervni deli (2003)
Oda Prešernu (2001)
Kruh in mleko (2001)
Svobodna si. Odloči se. (2000)
Kako se znebiš Mačota (2000)
Porno film (2000)
V leru (1999)
Socializacija bika? (1998)
Deklica s frnikulami (1997)
Stereotip (1997)
Carmen (1995)
Neme podobe slovenskega filma (1995)
Vse je pod kontrolo (1992)
Srčna dama (1991)
Remington (1988)
Usodni telefon (1987)
Usodni telefon (1987)
Born 1965. Managing director of Vertigo, a Ljubljana (Slovenia)-based production company with a distinctive track record, is a film producer with extensive working experience on international co-productions and narrow budget films. Since 1987, when he started his professional carrier as producer, Danijel has produced or co-produced more than 40 feature films, as well as more than 10 documentaries and 50 short films and TV production, among which the most well-known are An Episode in the Life of the Iron Picker by Danis Tanović (Berlinale 2013: 2 Silver Bears, Shortlisted for Foreign language Oscar); Circles by Srdan Golubović (Sundance 2013: Special Jury Award, Berlinale 2013: Ecumenical Prize); Woman who brushed off her tears by Teona Mitevska (Berlin IFF Panorama Special 2012), Alexandrians by Metod Pevec (feature doc, Trieste FF 2012 Best documentary award), Slovenian Girl by Damjan Kozole (Toronto IFF 2009, Les Arcs FF: Best Actress Award, Sales in more than 40 territories); Spare Parts by Damjan Kozole (Berlinale Competition 2003), Bread and Milk by Jan Cvitkovič (Venice 2001: Lion of the Future)...
Danijel has been selected among Variety’s Ten Producers To Watch in 2001. He is a voting member of European FIlm Academy and since 2011 the president of the Association of Slovenian Film Producers. He is also, since 2005, actively involved with several European training initiatives such as EAVE (Group Leader between 2009-13), Nipkow Programme, Midpoint Central-European Script Center and Maia Workshops. He is also an advisor and member of the selection committee of When East Meets West project market since 2012.
Participated in
Pero (2023)
Zbudi me (2022)
Izginjanje (2022)
Odpuščanje (2021)
Telesce (2021)
50 knjig, ki so nas napisale (2020)
Oče (2020)
Polsestra (2019)
Bog obstaja, ime ji je Petrunija (2019)
Jaz sem Frenk (2019)
Ne bom več luzerka (2018)
Kustosova soba (2018)
Vsaka dobra zgodba je ljubezenska zgodba (2017)
Meje (2016)
Nočno življenje (2016)
Dom (2015)
Ti me nosiš (2015)
Projekt rak (2013)
Krogi (2013)
Epizoda v življenju zbiralca železa (2013)
Gremo mi po svoje 2 (2013)
Z mamo (2013)
Vaje v objemu (2012)
Dolge počitnice (2012)
Ženska, ki si je otrla solze (2012)
Oči, lahko jaz šofiram? (2011)
Lahko noč, gospodična (2011)
Hiša D (2011)
Biotehniška fakulteta (2011)
Aleksandrinke (2011)
Hiša na Jurčkovi (2011)
Trg in zunanji oltar na Brezjah (2011)
Odpad (2011)
Nogometni stadion, Športni park Stožice (2011)
Stanje šoka (2011)
Toplo za ta letni čas (2011)
Gremo mi po svoje (2010)
Volilni molk (2009)
Slovenka (2009)
Bogdan Grom (2009)
Besa (2009)
Dve ali tri stvari, ki jih vem o njej (2009)
Jesenice: Detroit (2008)
Every Breath You Take (2008)
Svet je velik in rešitev je za vogalom (2008)
Za vedno (2008)
Poštar (2007)
Estrellita - pesem za domov (2007)
Sem iz Titovega Velesa (2007)
Film pred oltarjem (2006)
Karavla (2006)
Delo osvobaja (2005)
Se zgodi (2005)
Predmestje (2004)
Sivi kamion rdeče barve (2004)
Vizije Evrope (2004)
Ruševine (2004)
Desperado Tonic (2004)
Pod njenim oknom (2003)
Rezervni deli (2003)
Oda Prešernu (2001)
Kruh in mleko (2001)
Svobodna si. Odloči se. (2000)
Kako se znebiš Mačota (2000)
Porno film (2000)
V leru (1999)
Socializacija bika? (1998)
Deklica s frnikulami (1997)
Stereotip (1997)
Carmen (1995)
Neme podobe slovenskega filma (1995)
Vse je pod kontrolo (1992)
Srčna dama (1991)
Remington (1988)
Usodni telefon (1987)
Usodni telefon (1987)